Red Hot Poker Medicine

  1. Red Hot Poker Medicine Videos
  2. Red Hot Poker Medicine Cabinet
  3. Red Hot Poker Plants For Sale
  4. Red Hot Poker Bulb

Never taking out-of-date medicine and medicine which has been prescribed for somebody else. Ask children to help you list some of the bathroom products that George used in his magic medicine. As they name products, list them in their simplest form e.g. ‘shampoo’, ‘face cream’, ‘shaving foam’. Kniphofias, commonly known as Torch Lilies or Red Hot Pokers, always make a bold statement in the garden with their brilliant show of bright-colored, dense, erect spikes resembling glowing pokers or torches. Blooming from late spring to early fall, depending on the varieties, their stately flowers are noted for their long-lasting display of reds, oranges, yellows or creams, adding eye-catching. Afterward we found out how to prepare it properly. Mulled ale is the same thing. You thrust a red-hot poker into the full glass, and when it creams over, sprinkle in a little nutmeg, sugar and spices. Red Hot Poker Dots. Profile: Self proclaimed 'Swampy Tonk' band from Melbourne, Australia that plays a mix of hillbilly, rockabilly, country, rock and yodeling. The band was founded in 1998 by husband and wife team Lil’ O’Dette (vocals, upright bass) and Ray Dee Ator (guitar, vocals).

I grew up with red hot pokers and goldenrod in the garden, both wonderful plants for bees, and the red hot pokers I know now are full of nectar. In South Africa, where they are a native species, they are eaten and are said to taste likehoney. There are many species of these plants which are also called the Torch Lily or Tritoma, some are yellow and lime green others white, but K. uvaria is red-orange with tinges of yellow on the lower flowers.
They stand tall and are impressive garden flowers in the same way as lupins and hollyhocks are. They are grown in Europe for their beauty and curiosity value, as well as to make an impressive backdrop for smaller flowers. The leaves are evergreen in most species, although in some they die back to grow again in the following year and the flower spikes can grow to around six feet tall.
They are members of the sub-family Asphodelaceae and the family of the Xanthorrhoeaceae, and as such are related to the asphodel, bog asphodel and aloe vera. In fact they were thought to be members of the aloe family at first, and were in the genus Aloe uvaria.
In South Africa the juice of the flowers from this plant is used in cosmetics, and the root is used as a cleanser for the skin to rid it of spots and other skin eruptions. The root is also used in traditional medicine as a medicine to cleanse the uterus and so prepare it for pregnancy.
An infusion of the root of some Kniphofia species is used for chest complaints such as asthma and bronchitis. Other species figure quite prominently in traditional medicine. Although this one has limited uses it would seem.
The Kniphofia genus was named after a distinguished 18th century German professor at Erfurt University, Johann Hieronymous Kniphof (1704-1763). It consists of more than ten species, which are mainly found in South Africa, although there is one native of Yemen and two or possibly three native to the island of Madagascar. K. uvaria is an invasive weed in some parts of Australia where it was introduced previously as a garden plant.
Red Hot Poker Medicine
Scientific classification
  • TritomaKer Gawl.
  • TrioclesSalisb.
  • TritomantheLink
  • TritomiumLink
  • Rudolpho-roemeriaSteud. ex Hochst.
  • TriclissaSalisb.
  • NotosceptrumBenth.

Kniphofia/nɪpˈhfiə/,[2] also called tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily, or poker plant, is a genus of perennialflowering plants in the familyAsphodelaceae, first described as a genus in 1794.[3] It is native to Africa.


Herbaceous species and hybrids have narrow, grass-like leaves 10–100 cm (4–39 in) long, while evergreen species have broader, strap-shaped foliage up to 1.5 m (5 ft) long. All plants produce spikes of upright, brightly coloured flowers well above the foliage, in shades of red, orange and yellow, often bicoloured.[4] The flowers produce copious nectar while blooming and are attractive to bees and sunbirds. In the New World they may attract nectarivores such as hummingbirds and New World orioles.


The genus Kniphofia is named after Johann Hieronymus Kniphof, an 18th-century German physician and botanist.

Red Hot Poker Medicine


Several species of Kniphofia are cultivated as garden plants, valued for their architectural properties. These include K. galpini, K. northiae, K. rooperi and K. thomsonii.

In addition to the species, many named cultivars of mixed or uncertain parentage have been selected for garden use. The following have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit:-[5]

Red Hot Poker Medicine Videos

  • 'Barton Fever' [6] (orange-white, 100cm)
  • 'Bees' Sunset' [7] (yellow, 90cm)
  • 'Brimstone' [8] (sulphur yellow, 90cm)
  • 'Buttercup' [9] (clear yellow, 75cm)
  • 'Coral Flame' [10] (coral red, 90cm)
  • 'Fiery Fred' [11] (orange, 130cm)
  • 'Incandesce' [12] (orange, 140cm)
  • 'Innocence' [13] (red-yellow, 110cm)
  • 'Jonathan' [14] (red-orange, 130cm)
  • 'Moonstone' [15] (yellow, 120cm)
  • 'Nobilis' [16] (evergreen, orange and yellow, 150cm+)
  • 'Penny Rockets' [17] (orange, 100cm)
  • 'Primrose Upward' [18] (yellow, 115cm)
  • 'Rich Echoes' [19] (orange-yellow, 120cm)
  • 'Royal Standard' [20] (red and yellow, 90cm)
  • 'Safranvogel' [21] (peach pink, 80cm)
  • 'Samuel's Sensation' [22] (red-yellow, 150cm)
  • 'Sunningdale Yellow' [23] (orange and yellow, 60cm)
  • 'Tawny King' [24] (cream/brown, 120cm)
  • 'Timothy' [25] (orange, 100cm)
  • 'Toffee Nosed' [26] (cream/brown, 100cm)
  • 'Wrexham Buttercup' [27] (yellow, 120cm)


There are about 73 described species.[1][28]

  1. Kniphofia acraeaCodd - Cape Province of South Africa
  2. Kniphofia albescensCodd - Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal
  3. Kniphofia albomontanaBaijnath - Lesotho, South Africa
  4. Kniphofia angustifolia(Baker) Codd - KwaZulu-Natal
  5. Kniphofia ankaratrensisBaker - Madagascar
  6. Kniphofia bauriiBaker - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  7. Kniphofia benguellensisWelw. ex Baker - Angola, Zambia
  8. Kniphofia bequaertiiDe Wild. - Zaïre, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda
  9. Kniphofia brachystachya(Zahlbr.) Codd - Lesotho, KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  10. Kniphofia brevifloraHarv. ex Baker - KwaZulu-Natal, Free State
  11. Kniphofia bruceae(Codd) Codd - Cape Province
  12. Kniphofia buchananiiBaker - KwaZulu-Natal
  13. Kniphofia caulescensBaker - Lesotho, KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province, Free State
  14. Kniphofia citrinaBaker - Cape Province
  15. Kniphofia coddianaCufod. - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  16. Kniphofia coralligemmaE.A.Bruce - Limpopo
  17. Kniphofia crassifoliaBaker - Limpopo
  18. Kniphofia drepanophyllaBaker - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  19. Kniphofia dubiaDe Wild - Zaire, Tanzania, Zambia, Angola
  20. Kniphofia ensifoliaBaker - South Africa
  21. Kniphofia × erythraeaeFiori - Eritrea (K. pumila × K. schimperi)
  22. Kniphofia evansiiBaker - KwaZulu-Natal
  23. Kniphofia fibrosaBaker - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  24. Kniphofia flammulaCodd - KwaZulu-Natal
  25. Kniphofia fluviatilisCodd - South Africa
  26. Kniphofia foliosaHochst. - Ethiopia
  27. Kniphofia galpiniiBaker - KwaZulu-Natal, Swaziland, Mpumalanga
  28. Kniphofia goetzeiEngl. - Tanzania
  29. Kniphofia gracilisHarv. ex Baker - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  30. Kniphofia grantiiBaker - Zaïre, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Malawi
  31. Kniphofia hildebrandtiiCufod. - Ethiopia
  32. Kniphofia hirsutaCodd - Lesotho, Cape Province
  33. Kniphofia ichopensisSchinz - KwaZulu-Natal
  34. Kniphofia insignisRendle - Ethiopia
  35. Kniphofia isoetifoliaHochst. - Ethiopia
  36. Kniphofia latifoliaCodd - KwaZulu-Natal
  37. Kniphofia laxifloraKunth - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  38. Kniphofia leucocephalaBaijnath - KwaZulu-Natal
  39. Kniphofia linearifoliaBaker - Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, South Africa
  40. Kniphofia littoralisCodd - KwaZulu-Natal
  41. Kniphofia marungensisLisowski & Wiland - Zaïre
  42. Kniphofia mulanjeanaS.Blackmore - Mt. Mulanje in Malawi
  43. Kniphofia multifloraJ.M.Wood & M.S.Evans - Swaziland, South Africa
  44. Kniphofia nanaMarais - Zaïre
  45. Kniphofia northiaeBaker - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  46. Kniphofia nubigenaMildbr. - Sudan
  47. Kniphofia pallidifloraBaker - Massif de l' Ankaratra in Madagascar
  48. Kniphofia paludosaEngl - Elton Plateau in Tanzania
  49. Kniphofia parvifloraKunth - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  50. Kniphofia paucifloraBaker - KwaZulu-Natal
  51. Kniphofia porphyranthaBaker - Lesotho, Swaziland, South Africa
  52. Kniphofia praecoxBaker - Cape Province
  53. Kniphofia princeae (A.Berger) Marais - Zaïre, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi
  54. Kniphofia pumila(Aiton) Kunth - Zaïre, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea
  55. Kniphofia reflexaHutch. ex Codd - Nigeria, Cameroon (endangered)[29]
  56. Kniphofia reynoldsiiCodd - Tanzania, Zambia
  57. Kniphofia rigidifoliaE.A.Bruce - Mpumalanga
  58. Kniphofia ritualisCodd - Free State, Lesotho, KwaZulu-Natal
  59. Kniphofia rooperi(T.Moore) Lem. - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province
  60. Kniphofia sarmentosa (Andrews) Kunth - Cape Province
  61. Kniphofia schimperiBaker - Ethiopia, Eritrea
  62. Kniphofia splendidaE.A.Bruce - Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, northeastern South Africa, Swaziland
  63. Kniphofia strictaCodd - Cape Province, Lesotho
  64. Kniphofia sumaraeDeflers - Ibb Mountains of Yemen
  65. Kniphofia tabularisMarloth - Cape Province
  66. Kniphofia thodeiBaker - Lesotho, KwaZulu-Natal
  67. Kniphofia thomsoniiBaker - Zaïre, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia
  68. Kniphofia triangularisKunth - Lesotho, South Africa
  69. Kniphofia typhoidesCodd - Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, Mpumalanga
  70. Kniphofia tysoniiBaker - KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Province, Swaziland
  71. Kniphofia umbrinaCodd - Swaziland
  72. Kniphofia uvaria(L.) Oken - Cape Province; naturalized in Mexico, North Carolina, Spain, Oregon, Turkey, Washington State, St. Helena, California
  73. Kniphofia vandewegheiFischer & Ackermann - Rwanda


  • 'Shenandoah'

  • Kniphofia along the Ohlone Greenway trail in El Cerrito, California

Red Hot Poker Medicine Cabinet


See also[edit]

Red Hot Poker Plants For Sale


  1. ^ abKew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  3. ^Stevens, P.F., Angiosperm Phylogeny Website: Asparagales: Asphodeloideae
  4. ^RHS A-Z encyclopedia of garden plants. United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. 2008. p. 1136. ISBN1405332964.
  5. ^'AGM Plants - Ornamental'(PDF). Royal Horticultural Society. July 2017. p. 57. Retrieved 14 March 2018.
  6. ^'Kniphofia 'Barton Fever''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  7. ^'Kniphofia 'Bees' Sunset''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  8. ^'Kniphofia 'Brimstone''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  9. ^'Kniphofia 'Buttercup''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  10. ^'Kniphofia 'Coral Flame''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  11. ^'Kniphofia 'Fiery Fred''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  12. ^'Kniphofia 'Incandesce''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  13. ^'Kniphofia 'Innocence''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  14. ^'Kniphofia 'Jonathan''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  15. ^'Kniphofia 'Moonstone''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  16. ^'Kniphofia 'Nobilis''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  17. ^'Kniphofia 'Penny Rockets''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  18. ^'Kniphofia 'Primrose Upward''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  19. ^'Kniphofia 'Rich Echoes''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  20. ^'Kniphofia 'Royal Standard''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  21. ^'Kniphofia 'Safranvogel''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  22. ^'Kniphofia 'Samuel's Sensation''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  23. ^'Kniphofia 'Sunningdale Yellow''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  24. ^'Kniphofia 'Tawny King''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  25. ^'Kniphofia 'Timothy''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  26. ^'Kniphofia 'Toffee Nosed''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  27. ^'Kniphofia 'Wrexham Buttercup''. RHS. Retrieved 27 September 2020.
  28. ^'A New Species of Kniphofia from Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda'. Novataxa. Retrieved 11 February 2019.
  29. ^'Kniphofia reflexa'. Retrieved 2012-05-13.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kniphofia.

Red Hot Poker Bulb

  • Dressler, S.; Schmidt, M. & Zizka, G. (2014). 'Kniphofia'. African plants – a Photo Guide. Frankfurt/Main: Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg.
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